martes, 7 de junio de 2016


Yah Almighty God himself will give you a sign:
"The Pregnant Virgin,
You will soon have a son,
who will name Emanuel,
that is, "God with us".
Isaiah 7:14

Then the angel told Mary:

Do not be afraid, Mary, for YHVH Almighty God has given you a great privilege. You'll get pregnant; and you have a son, whom you will name him Jesus (Savior). This child will become very important, and will be called "Son of the Most High God."

YHVH Almighty God will do the King, as he did with his father David; will rule the nation of Israel (house of Jacob) forever, and his kingdom will never end.

Mary asked the angel:
How will this, if I have not been intimate with a man?

The angel replied:
"The Holy Spirit will come to you; Almighty God Most High will cover you with His power. So the child will live completely dedicated to YHVH Almighty God, and will be called "Son of God".
Luke 1: 30-35

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