sábado, 9 de julio de 2016

The Kingdom of the Creator of heaven and earth:
  YHVH-Jehovah Almighty.

Only for the Israelites?

In the Bible it is written:

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ said:

I, Paul, am a prisoner because I serve Jesus Christ and work for the sake of you who are not Jews. You know that YHVH Almighty God asked me to announce the plan, thanks to his great love, had prepared. 

YHVH Almighty God gave me to know the plan I had in secret, and which already have written to you briefly. If you read what I wrote, they know how to understand the plan YHVH Almighty God has done through Jesus Christ. Such secrecy were not made known to those who lived before us; but now, through His Spirit, God has shown his apostles and prophets. 

And this is the secret plan: through Jesus Christ, even those who are not Jews can receive salvation and the promises given to the people of Israel, and Israel form one people. 

All you have to do is accept the good news.

Ephesians 3:1-6

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