jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

"The importance of being a fair man and woman"

The Plan of Salvation

of our Almighty only Almighty 

YHVH-יחוח-YEHOVAH Creator

of the heavens and the earth

When YHVH-YEHOVAH saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and all the imaginations of the thoughts of his heart were only evil every day, then it repented the Lord, that he had made man in the earth, and he was sorry in his heart (YHVH-YEHOVAH doth never repent, but he speaks after our capacity, because he did destroy him, and in that as it were did disavow him to be his creature.).

Therefore the Almighty YHVH-YEHOVAH said, I will destroy from the earth the man, whom I have created, from man o beast, to the creeping thing, and to the fowl of the heaven:

"For I repent that I have made them".

(YHVH-YEHOVAH declares how much he hates sin, seeing the punishment thereof extended to the brute beasts).

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Almighty YHVH-YEHOVAH (YHVH-YEHOVAH was merciful unto him.).

"Noah was a just and upright man in his time:

and Noah walked with YHVH-YEHOVAH".

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